GOP Rabbit Medicine

Native American Medicine Cards are used much like Tarot Cards but represent signals nature provides through the wisdom of animals. You draw different cards for different categories in your life and you gain wisdom as to how to improve your behavior within that life category.

For instance, if you draw the rabbit card in regards to how you handle fear, its significance is of the power you give to those fearful thoughts through feelings. This means that if you fear something, this emotion actually gives strength to that situation, person, or whatever it may be, materializing it unknowingly into your life.

A rabbit is in an open field and it suddenly senses there is an eagle in a tree overlooking this field. The eagle has not seen the rabbit because the rabbit has been still. But the rabbit’s fear causes it to run for cover toward the surrounding woods. That’s what causes the eagle to see it, swoop down and catch it in its sharp talons and carry it off for dinner. If the rabbit had remained calm and still, it would not have fed the eagle.

In 2012 the Minnesota Democratic Party was not talking about or considering trying to pass gay marriage. But the Minnesota Republican Party was so afraid of gay marriage that it proposed a state constitutional amendment to permanently ban gay marriage. Public reaction was huge and the voters of the state overwhelmingly voted against the GOP’s amendment proposal. They also voted the GOP out of power in the state in that election. Within a few months the state Dems easily passed legalization of gay marriage upon taking power back.

Gay marriage was the eagle, and the GOP’s fear medicine was the rabbit. It seems the GOP has not learned from drawing the rabbit card. They keep repeating this panic-fueled maneuvering.

Currently they are terrified that Americans will learn more about the country’s uncomfortable historical truths. Perhaps because it has been white male conservatives that have perpetuated nearly all of these atrocities. And they fear they will lose their ability to continue with these white supremacy atrocities. They are yelling about “critical race theory”, which virtually no one was aware even existed. They are trying to get it banned from school curriculum even though it is not a part of school curriculum anywhere. But their calling attention to it is in fact causing a rise in the education and awareness of Americans of the white conservative murderous events of our past.

More Americans now know of the “Tulsa Massacre” than ever before. The topic of systematic racism is being talked about in this country more than ever before.

They have attempted their coupe and now there’s a bipartisan congressional committee about to subpoena them. They’re trying to divert attention, but are failing.

They have feared for decades that they have become the minority and cannot win elections unless they cheat. Their cheating tactics have become so exaggerated as to making them transparent, so Republican state legislatures are trying to pass voter suppression laws in a non-election year. It’s making more Americans sensitive to the importance of voting than at any time in my lifetime. The fact they are overreacting so soon is providing time for a backlash of laws and voter turnout they may not be able to overcome for a generation or more.

They have been maneuvering around in the open field for decades while the eagle has been flying somewhere else. But now the eagle – the American Eagle – has landed in the tree overlooking the field and its eagle eye is on the white supremest GOP rabbit. They have turned the eagle’s attention toward themselves by overreaching on all their fears. They are running for cover. But the talons are out.

A Satellite View

Todd Mikkelson is a lifelong Minnesotan and a political historian. He ran for the Minnesota State House of Representatives twice and remains active in Minnesota state politics. He's also built a small business around an invention of his that exports his products all over the world. He ran a program that encourages fellow small business owners to testify on small business issues at the state capitol. He now talks politics on podcasts and AM950 radio periodically.